Lorenzo 1st Generation
1880. The King’s Watch
Fencing was not just a sport; the fate of many and even love were decided at the point of the foil. During these years, Lorenzo Barbera Sr. brought honor to the young nation by winning a duel against a French champion. Proud of the victory, King Umberto I of Italy gifted the young Sicilian his gold watch.
1890. Arrival in Palermo
The Barbera family moved from Menfi to Palermo, settling in the hunting estate of the Princes of Buonfornello in the Piana dei Colli area of Palermo, which became known as Villa Barbera.
1894. The Foundation
In partnership with the Florio family, the Società degli Oleifici Siciliani (Sicilian Oil Mills Company) was founded, which today is known as Premiati Oleifici Barbera.
1900. The First International Awards
The company represented Sicily at the 1900 Universal Exposition in Paris, where it won the Gold Medal. This prestigious recognition was followed by gold medals at the 1904 Universal Exposition in Saint Louis and the 1906 exhibition in Palermo.

Manfredi 2nd Generation
1910. Bottled Oil
Thanks to an idea from Lorenzo and his young son Manfredi, for the first time, extra virgin olive oil was bottled in glass, using the same bottles used for Marsala wine. This innovation allowed Sicilian olive oil to safely travel across the Mediterranean and Atlantic.
1930. Constant and Strong
The Florio family liquidated their companies, including the Oleifici Siciliani. Lorenzo and Vincenzo continued on their own, establishing “Lorenzo and Vincenzo Barbera Oli,” where the young Manfredi Sr. left his mark. The two brothers focused on the local market, but these were tough years.
1935. Manfredi Senior, The Colonel
Since the 1930s, the Barbera oil mills had been run by Manfredi Sr., son of Lorenzo, known as "The Colonel" for his almost military discipline and dedication to work. His passion for olive oil and selection of raw materials led to his appointment as an arbitrator on the International Olive Council.
1950. The Unfiltered Oil
These were the years of the economic boom, and during this period, a new idea emerged: the launch of unfiltered oil (olio mosto) on the market. This allowed households in increasingly industrialized cities to enjoy oil that was as fresh as if it had just been pressed.

Lorenzo 3rd Generation
1960. The Saracen Olive Tree
These were important and complex years for Palermo, which was growing rapidly and needed space to accommodate new citizens. During this time, the city changed, both positively and negatively. A centuries-old olive tree at the heart of the estate fell victim to the city's growth. Upon seeing the majestic tree, Lorenzo witnessed his father cry for the first time. He was inspired to write the touching poem, “Death of a Saracen Olive Tree.”
1970. Lorenzo, the Poet
Sometimes love for one’s land follows winding paths, but whether it’s expressed through the fruits of ancient trees or through art, the result is the same. This is how Lorenzo, son of Manfredi and known to everyone as Renzino, dedicated himself to poetry and literature, telling stories of a Sicily that is both dreamy and ironic at the same time.

Manfredi 4th Generation
1980. Manfredi, the Master Oil Maker
One emerges stronger from periods of crisis. The arrival of Manfredi Jr. in the company was marked by lessons learned during long car rides with his grandfather, selecting oil from various mills around Sicily. It was from one of Manfredi Barbera’s insights that Frantoia was born, a tribute to the femininity of our land.
1990. Barbera Conquers America
These were the years of revitalization and entry into international markets. Thanks to Frantoia, we can speak of rediscovering America.
2000. The Experimental Mill
The start of the new century saw investments in the production site, the Custonaci plant, and the experimental mill. These were also years of looking to the future, first with Lorenzo and later with Carlo, the 5th generation of the family.
2010. The Olive Oil Supply Chain
The bond with the land was strengthened and enhanced. The supply chains of COFIOL (Olive Oil Supply Chain Consortium) and ORO Sicilia (Regional Olive Growers Organization) are a testament to the company's ongoing commitment to promoting the land.

Lorenzo and Carlo 5th Generation
Today 4.0. The Story Continues
The present is a return to our roots, with a focus on the future. In these years, a new 4.0 agricultural company was born, where new farming techniques serve the development of Sicily's native production.